We're serving up hope together at Charity Cafe!

Emergency Aid

Provide life-saving aid to people impacted by natural disasters and manmade crises.

Emergency Aid Fund Donate
Palestine Crisis Fund Donate

Winter Relief

Provide life-saving winter supplies to families strugging to survive the cold.

Winter Relief Fund Donate

Sponsor Winter Relief Kits

Winter Relief Kits $250

Water Access

Provide life-sustaining clean water to communities in need.

Water Access Fund Donate

Sponsor Water Projects

Gaza – Water Tank Refills $720
Afghanistan – Hand Pump Well $1,800
Nigeria – Artesian Well $6,000
Nigeria – Hand Pump Well $1,650
Pakistan (Sindh) – Solar Powered Well $1,200
Pakistan (Sindh) – Hand Pump Well $400
Pakistan (KPK) – Hand Pump Well $750

Orphan Support

Give an orphan the gift of support they need to thrive.

Orphan Support Fund Donate

Sponsor Orphans

Orphan Sponsorship (One-Year) $768
Orphan Sponsorship (Monthly) $64

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Into Hope